St. Francis de Sales was born in an aristocratic family on 21st of August 1567 at Savoy in France. His father was Monsieur De Boisy. He received the best type of education of that time and took a doctorate in civil and canon law from the University of Padua in Italy. After the formal education his parents wanted him to join a legal profession in the Senate of Savoy, but he was determined to become a priest. In spite of many obstacles, he fulfilled his desire and was ordained a priest in December 1593. He `was made the Bishop of Geneva in 1602.
Francis de Sales, known as the 'Gentleman Saint, was an able Pastor and Teacher. As bishop he preached frequently, visited his diocese often, advised and guided his priests and people with paternal care and reformed many monasteries. He was a spiritual director to many people of all classes of society through his personal interviews and numerous letters. He became one of the greatest spiritual directors through his world-famous writings: “The Introduction to Devout Life”, “The Treatise on the love of God” and “The Spiritual Conferences”. He died in Lyon on 28th December 1622 at the age of 55.
Pope Alexander the VII canonized Francis de sales a saint of the church in 1661. He was declared “Doctor of the church” (a great teacher) in 1877 by Pope Pius the IX and patron of Catholic Journalists and writers by Pius the XI in 1923.
Rev. Fr. Peter Mermier was born on 28th August 1790, at Savoy in France. His father was Francois Mermier and Mother Antoniette Bastion. He grew up as a child dedicated and hardworking, endowed with a calm character, alert mind, bright intelligence and genuine piety. He did excellently well in his studies. He was a model and inspiration to the rest of the students.
As a boy he manifested his desire to become a priest to serve the people. He was ordained a priest on 21st March 1813. He was then only Twenty two and a half years old. Then he worked as a teacher at Melan where he formulated his own philosophy of education.
He founded the congregation of Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod for the education of poor peasant girls. He initiated the educational apostolate of the missionaries by undertaking the management of secondary schools of Melan and Evian in France. Leaving behind a heritage of dazzling holiness, heroic courage and faith, Fr. Mermier breathed his last on 30th September, 1862.
Fr. Mermier firmly believed that education is a work of love and that it is incomplete without religious formation. He envisaged an educational programme marked by respect for children. He advised his teacher confreres to love their pupils, to be a mother to them by their tenderness and a father by their prudence. “True education”, according to him, “is opening the heart rather than mind”. He expected from the pupils three things: knowledge, wisdom .
👉 A place of learning with scientific temper and critical thinking.
👉 A place of character formation and personality building.
👉 A place where its members live by values of mutual respect and accept individual and cultural differences.
👉 A place where every child feels welcomed, cared for, loved and appreciated.
👉 A place where children are taught to protect the environment and promote the gifts of nature.
👉 A place where the formation of the heart and the affective dimension receives due priority.
👉 A place where co-scholastic and life skill training are imparted with urge.
👉 A place where young citizens are groomed to be catalysts of social transformation, votaries of national integration and ambassadors of universal brotherhood.
👉 A place where safe environment is provided for the students.
👉 A place where every student learns to love God and respect one another.
👉 A Desalite teacher is one who belongs to the teaching fraternity and shares in the vision and mission of Fransalian education.
👉 He/she considers teaching not as a profession but a mission with passion, a mission not by chance but by choice.
👉 He/ She remains an integral part of the institution and commits himself/ herself totally and wholly to the tasks entrusted to him/her by the competent authority of the educational institution.
👉 He/ She cooperates and collaborates with the head of the institution for the welfare of the students.
👉 He/ She updates himself / herself with the new methods of pedagogy and latest technology and becomes innovative in teaching rather than rote teaching.
👉 He/she familiarizes himself/ herself with the principles of Fransalian Pedagogy.
👉 He/ She understands that training and forming of the heart is the heart of education.
👉 He/ She knows that students learn not only from text books but also from his/her very life which should remain exemplary, a living gospel for the students to emulate.
👉 He/ She understands that the school is run by the MSFS who attach great importance to values while educating, and he/she is a partner to it..
👉 He/ She also learns about the MSFS Missionaries, Saint Francis de Sales and his life and works, and Father Mermier, the founder.
👉 He/ She speaks well of the school of which he/she is an integral part.
👉 He/ She pays individual attention to each and every student in the class and never lets anyone lag behind.
👉 He/ She takes remedial measures if any of his/her students is found wanting or lagging behind.
👉 He/ She is a part of team and works collaboratively withthe rest of staff, both teaching and non-teaching.
👉 He / She prepares his/her lessons thoroughly to make the class Interesting,informative innovative, educative and attractive.
SFS has a house system, whereby all students and faculty are placed into four vertical groups cutting across grade levels to promote a further source of identity and positive student spirit.
The four houses are named.
• RUBY (Red): Sparkle and Spread your Splendor.
• EMERALD (Green): Bloom in all seasons of life.
• TOPAZ (Yellow): Be the light of the world.
• SAPPHIRE (Blue): Live out every moment that comes to you.
House meetings and house activities are scheduled throughout the year. Students are encouraged to support their house through a merit system, where good citizenship and particular effort is recognized. Merits are added upon a house basis and gain points for the houses accordingly.
In order to encourage students to participate in various programs and activities and widen their horizons experience which is more important for their all-round development, students are formed in various clubs.
• Peace and cultural club.
• English club.
• Science & Eco club.
• SOS (students organization for social service)
• Sports club
A written notice of withdrawal must be given ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE or one month's fees are to be paid. Parents, who apply for transfer certificates between December and February, should pay the school fees till the end of the Academic year.
Monday to Friday 08:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
On Saturdays 08:30 AM to 12:30 PM.