- Students shall come to school on time and be neatly dressed in clean and complete school uniform. All the students are to always wear the identity card. (During school hours.)
- No student shall leave the classroom without permission.
- Pupils while changing for language classes and PET must walk silently and in single line.
- Girl students shall not wear any jewellery, have long nails or apply nail polish/kajal, mehndi when they come to school. Boy students must have a proper hair cut at all times. Long hairs, as well as long nails, are not permitted.
- No books, (other than text books or library books) magazines, comics, paper or music cassettes may be brought to school.
- In order to acquire a good command of the English language which is the medium of instruction, students should speak only in English in the school premises.
- No monetary collection for any purpose may be made in school without the previous permission of the principal.
- Care must be taken of all school property and no student shall scratch on or spoil the desks or chairs or damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others. Damage done even by accident, shall be reported at once to the school authorities. Any damage done will be made good by the student responsible for it.
- Running and shouting in the school building is not allowed. When using staircases and corridors all must keep to the left. Walking or standing around the office area or the visitors lobby shall be avoided even during recess.
- Students are not permitted to buy eatables from vendors outside the school grounds.
- Students are not allowed to leave the school premises without the permission of the principal.
- Cycles must be kept locked in the place provided. No student is permitted to bring a scooter, motorcycle or car to the school.
- The school reserves the right to dismiss a student who is irregular in attendance, whose progress in studies is generally unsatisfactory, whose conduct in the school or outside is harmful to other students or whose guardians show little or no interest in the progress of their wards. Grave insubordination, discourtesy or disrespect to teachers, contempt of authority, wilful damage to the property or physical violence will result in dismissal from the school. No student is permitted to use rude, abusive or inappropriate language in the school premises.
- No examination or Periodic test will be held for the absentees before or after the scheduled time.
- A student who uses unfair means during tests, examinations will be given a zero in the subject. Repetition of the same offence shall result in dismissal.
- A student who fails twice in the same class or who is overage by 2 years or more will not be permitted to continue in the school.
- All students are to be present on the last working day of school before commencement of Summer Vacation and on the first day when the school re-opens after summer vacation.
- No student is allowed to bring any colour or to throw colour on any person within the school premises during the Holi season. Any child found in possession of colour in the school premises will be liable to disciplinary action. Similarly, if colour is thrown on the school property/ walls, the repair bills for that would be borne by the parents of the concerned students.
- No student is allowed to bring any kind of fire crackers to the school, any child is found in pos session of fire crackers in the school premises, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.
- Students are not permitted to bring mobile telephones; iPods and cameras to the school, if brought they will be confiscated and held by the principal. The mobile telephones will be re turned to the concerned parent only after a written assurance by the parents that their child/ ward will not bring the mobile telephone again to the school.
- Students must bring with them to school all they require for the day. For security reasons no tiffin boxes/water bottles or any other articles will be accepted at the reception/School gate for delivery to the students.
- Fancy cardigans, jackets, trousers, shortened and tightened skirts are not allowed. The hems of the skirts/tunics should be below the knees.
- Girls are either to keep their hair no longer than the collar or if longer, then a double plait up to class V and a single plait from class VI upwards tied with black ribbon, is to be worn. No dyeing of hair and wearing make-up and lipstick are permitted.
- Girls are only permitted to wear small ear studs or small circular ear-rings (not longer than 1 cm in diameter). Gold ornaments and jewellery is not allowed. No fancy ear-rings, rings, bracelets or any other jewellery/make-up will be allowed during school hours.